Palmistry is a study of the geometrical signs of the palm with the help of which we can able to explore the life prediction. Unlike astrology, we don’t require time of birth, date of birth, place of birth of the person. The direction of the lines on the palm, tell you about the past, present and future. We, at Jagdeep Guron is Vedic, Astrologer (Jyotishi) and Psychic consultant provide palmistry services by our expert palmists at attractive price range, who predict your present, future, and you also get to know about your past.
It is said that Palmistry has migrated from India to other countries like Greece, Egypt, Persia and Syria in ancient times. Samudra, deity of the Seas has first given this knowledge to the world, hence this is called 'Samudrika'. Sages like Narada, Valmiki, Garga, Bhrigu, Prahlada and Astrologers like Varahamihira have done a lot of work in Palmistry. Palmistry was discussed in the great books like 'Bhavishya Puranam' and 'Hasta Sanjeevani'. But some how Palmistry could not receive proper attention in India in modern times. It is given high regard in Western countries.
"...It has put me under a Necessity of saying something about Palmistry, which is a Judgment made of the Conditions, Inclinations, and Fortunes of Men and Women, from their various Lines and Characters which Nature has imprinted in the Hands" says Aristotle in a paper written by him in 350 B.C. Today Palmistry has completely transformed into a science, because of the extensive research done by the intelligentsia. Palmistry is a science of understanding the Past, Present and Future of a person by the pads and lines of a palm.
Palmistry revives its foundation on the experiments conducted by Desbarrolles and d'Arpentigny in 19th century. They made a life time study of Palmistry by collecting the imprints of Hands of thousands of people, and classifying them according to the nature of people and events which occurred in their lives. Then a hypothesis has been developed and verified with the support of further research.
What is palmistry?
Palmistry is a method of counselling that originated in India over 3,000 years ago. It is a part of a vast field of study, referred to as Samudrik Shastra, which literally means the ocean of knowledge. Palmistry is a sub-section of Samudrik Shastra and deals specifically with the study of the hand.Is palmistry fortune-telling?
In a word: no. The original intent of palmistry was for personality assessment and counselling. One's emotional tendencies, social attitudes, conscious awareness and subconscious fears, blockages and strengths can be understood in great detail through this in-depth system.Can you make predictions through palmistry?
You cannot make predictions with palmistry. However, since there is a definate mind-body connection, we know that negative or positive thinking affects our well-being. As well, due to our habitual way of thinking, we often repeat the same behaviour in the future as we exhibit in the present. If we can understand the pattern of our habits and thinking, then we can begin to isolate the negative cycles of behaviour and can replace them with positive new ones. Palmistry can help you see these patterns. With this information, you can shape own destiny.How does palmistry work?
Palmistry is best seen as a dynamic process. The lines of the hand are not carved in stone. Since the lines of the hand reflect our thinking, as our attitudes and behaviour patterns change, the lines reflect these changes. The lines physically change as our thinking changes. In fact, you can see distinct changes in as little as three months.Which hand do you read?
It is important to look at both hands during a reading. Depending on which hand is active (usually seen as the hand you write with),in combination with the inactive hand, shows where you have been (passive),and where you are likely headed (active) in this life.Palmistry is the study of the lines and signs of the hands.
Throughout our lifetime, our bodies register change. For example, the lines on our face that we acquire with age reflect experience and, we hope, wisdom. Lines and signs on our hands, present at birth, grow as we evolve, signifying the accumulated experience of our lives.
Centuries ago, the sages of India established a system of knowledge stemming from the Vedas, the earliest sacred Hindu writings. They studied the hands as a means to unveil and understand the self and relationships with others. They saw that the unique patterns of lines and signs in the hand come into being as a direct result of the way we think. Just as a pebble thrown into the water creates ripples, so our thoughts create similar effects.
Our hands offer us an objective view of who we really are. Through the study of palmistry, we have the opportunity to see to what extent our thoughts and feelings influence our happiness and the harmony of those around us. As we exercise our will in choosing positive patterns of thinking to replace any negative ones, we see our lines begin to change, reflecting a shift in our consciousness. As Shakespeare observed, we are masters of our own fate, that "the not in our stars, but in ourselves."